Enjoying the scarves on the line after a great creative morning! Two or more people can arrange a workshop to suit yourselves. Wendy has a professional open studio at Sheep Mountain, Alaska. She also travels to teach throughout the USA and Europe. If you have a group or a few friends who would like a class - contact Wendy and talk about what she can do for you.

Everyone listens carefully while I demonstrate a technique. Everything you need is provided. Beginners are welcome. Just bring your enthusiasm and your creative spirit!

Lets see what we've made - unwrapping our creations after waiting for them to dry.... Can't wait to find out!

Enjoying the scarves on the line after a great creative morning! Two or more people can arrange a workshop to suit yourselves. Wendy has a professional open studio at Sheep Mountain, Alaska. She also travels to teach throughout the USA and Europe. If you have a group or a few friends who would like a class - contact Wendy and talk about what she can do for you.